[button url=”https://vibethemes.wpengine.com/themes/vflex/”]Live Demo[/button][button url=”http://goo.gl/O5XmbS”]Download[/button]
[one_half][note color=”#333″ bg=”#fff” bordercolor=”#fff”]
Downloaded : 10,000 +
Author : VibeThemes
License : GPL v 2
[/note][/one_half][one_half][note bg=”#fafafa” bordercolor=”#eee” color=”#333″]
Version : 1.0
Released : 28th September 2012
WP : 3.5+
Responsive Layout
vFlex is Built on responsive layout based on Bones skeleton CSS3 framework. The theme looks amazing on iPad ,iPhones and other tablets and mobiles.
Easy to Customize
Comes with HTML/Shortcode enabled featured area, just enable and put all your code inside to customize the theme.
Homepage Flex Slider
Homepage comes with inbuilt responsive Flexslider, just select the posts whose featured images would be shown in the slider.
Optimized Code
Optimized code with best practices for WordPress theme development, the theme works great with popular plugins such as Yoast SEO, Gallery plugins,Yoast Breadcrumbs, Google Analytics for WordPress, All in one SEO etc.
Plug and Play
Plug and play solution, just requires you to setup custom menus for the theme. see demo videos for more.
Vibe Options Panel
Integrated with VibeOptions panel, which supports logo upload,import/export settings and many other features.
Nice responsive theme. thank you
Good stuff!
Nice responsive theme. thank you
Good Job guys.. Nice theme with Responsive Layout..
easy to use wonderful theme
User friendly theme, love it !
User friendly theme, love it !
Genia gracias
Good Theme!
Great theme for free 🙂
Good Job guys. Love it..
very cool themes !!!
Nice broo..
Optimized code with best practices for WordPress theme development, the theme works great with popular plugins such as Yoast SEO, Gallery plugins,Yoast Breadcrumbs, Google Analytics for WordPress, All in one SEO etc.
Going to install it on my site..
wow nice,, thx
easy to use wonderful theme, great….
I can’t change the logo tried it but nothing happens, how do i get it to work?
While uploading the logo make sure you click on the file URL : https://m.imgur.com/dQYjkt1?r
Thanks for your help! One other question what size photo’s are the pictures in the slider?
Depends upon maximum resolution you want to support. 1170 – 1920 pic width
Nice Brother! Thx for share it!
very wonderfull themes, nice for sharing thx mann
very good! thanks for your good themes. easy to use
Thats was great . im really looking for more about free fresponsive wordpress theme. thank you very much !
This themes so beautifull, where i can get it? buy or free?
thank you very much !
very wonderfull themes, nice
Great Theme ..
Thanks, easy to use wonderful theme
Easy to use wonderful theme
the theme works great with popular plugins such as Yoast SEO, Gallery plugins,Yoast
I’m really looking for more about free fresponsive wordpress theme, thanks guy
Great Theme ..
I need ur theme..
I like your themes, nice
Very nice wordpress theme for jasa pembuatan website or web developer
This themes so beautifull, where i can get it, buy or free?
This template so very beautifull, Nice