vSlider – WordPress Image Slider Plugin

vSlider is a jQuery based image slide show script that can display specific images on your WordPress based website with fading or sliding transitions. This way you can future the more important pages or products from your website or even other websites. How is different vSlider from any other WordPress image slider plugins? The answer is simple! It makes use of the core WordPress jQuery library, this makes it very tiny, about 20 kb, and you don’t have to have any knowledge of coding for using it! But the best part is just to come! It can use images from your posts using custom fields or scanning for images in the post to feature your latest posts from a specific category (for example a featured category), this way with every new post the slider will automatically update it self, so NO extra work for you. Or you can add your own images and where each image links to. vSlider is tested in different browsers and all settings are made from an easy to use options page. Do I mention that is free?

You can set up:

  1. Unlimited Image Sliders even on the same page
  2. Responsive Image Sliders
  3. Thumbnail enabled Sliders
  4. HTML captions
  5. Select Category or Custom Images
  6. How many custom images or latest posts to rotate.
  7. Up to 20 custom images and links.
  8. Slider width and height.
  9. Animation Speed.
  10. 9 Image Transition effects.
  11. Customize CSS to integrate it better in your WordPress theme.
  12. Select First Port image or Featured Post image


  1. Unzip vSlider zip archive and upload it to wp-content/plugins/ folder
  2. Activate vSlider WordPress plugin
  3. Go to vSlider Setup options page from your WordPress dashboard and customize the image slider as you wish.
  4. PHP implementation: Go to Appearance – Editor from your WordPress dashboard and edit your current WordPress theme. Copy this code <?php if (function_exists(‘vSlider’)) { vSlider(); }?> outside of the loop in your theme to where you want the slider to appear (More details about how to insert the code here.).
  5. Short code implementation: Video demonstration on the plugin options menu.
  6. Widget implementation: Video demonstration on the plugin options menu.


  1. Set the slider with and height, the animation type, speed, number of post to feature and the featured category from the vSlider options menu.
  2. Set up slide layout, navigation styles, image buttons placement [Vertical/Horizontal, left right top down] and ,image quality, auto resize images,container margin and float from the more vSlider features.
  3. Set up custom CSS code for vSlider (for advanced users) from vSlider options menu.
  4. Add the path to the images and where to link if you want to use custom images.

The vSlider WordPress plugin will scan the posts from the selected category and will show the first image found on the post. The image will be resized as you selected from the slider menu. If the image does not fit well from your post to the slider, simply edit your post, go to custom fields and add a new custom field named “slider” and as value add the path to the image you want to appear in the slider. In this case vSlider will pick the image added in the custom field.


On the first page of this site.

Download vSlider 5.0

vSlider 4.0- Available for Download

Download the vSlider 3.1 WordPress Plugin

Download the vSlider 3.0 WordPress Plugin


Based on jQuery innerfade plugin.


  1. V.C says:

    I like your idea in this plugin.
    I was wondering If you could make it more useful by add more ways to choose which post can display, not just in a catergory.
    Anyway, I’ll try your plugin.
    Keep it up !

    1. admin says:

      Hello, thank you for your appreciation.
      The idea is to keep the plugin as simple as possible, this is why specific posts from different categories can be featured only manually. I think it is much better for the site it self not to have a to complicated script that loads much slower like other similar scripts.
      The readme file from WordPress plugin directory and the screenshot are 3 times bigger than the plugin it self. The plugin have about 20Kb and i would like to keep it like this.
      Don’t know if having some dropdowns from where to choose from the featured posts and than to add images to custom fields (or be aware to have images in the posts that’s fit to your slider) is much less time consuming than adding the images and the post links directly to the plugin menu.
      Thanks again for your comment.

      1. Damien says:

        Great slider!! looks stunning.

        How can I get rid of the boarder around the images? I am only getting it n the left and top of the image?

        Also is there a way to use custom field on a Page rather than a post?

  2. V.C says:

    Also I think it would be more cool if it could display the button next and prev ot number 1, 2, 3,… 🙂
    What do you think?
    I’m using D13Slideshow but I’m not really pleased with it. But it’s the best plugin that I’ve ever had (better than Featured Content Gallery). Anyway, I’m removing D13Slideshow and try your new one.

  3. FW says:

    Cool plugin and just what I was looking for! Simple image rotation with ability for the user to determine the images in the admin. Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem to function on my WP 2.8.1 staging site. The first image displays, but no rotation. Know of any conflicts with other types of scripts?

    1. admin says:

      It is working fine up to latest version of WordPress. It might be some conflict with one of the scripts from your theme. Give me the site to check it out.

  4. karen says:


    i have a question about the configuration – should the path to the images be relative or absolute?


    1. admin says:

      absolute. Like:


  5. karen says:

    getting the following error while trying to use the plugin –

    TypeError: Result of expression ‘jQuery(‘ul#sliderbody’).innerfade’ [undefined] is not a function.


    1. admin says:

      Give me the site where you want to install it. Send me your mail trough the contact page from this site and i will check it out.

  6. Bob says:

    Great plugin thanks!

    Q. Would it be possible to add more than 5 posts or images?

    … Would like the facility to have 20 to 30 images rotating.


  7. michelle.k says:


    Is there a possibility to show Post Titles let’s say with h2 Tags also?

    Thanks 🙂

  8. paratoner says:

    thanks for this page.

  9. gebelik says:

    i like this site. i added on my bookmark i thanks

  10. Emil says:

    Another thing….is it possible to customize the link target?


  11. NJ says:

    Hi, looks cool. Can I use this plugin for my header image?



  12. GU says:

    Cool plugin. We are going to use it for our school website. Are you planning on creating a prev | next feature?

  13. Josephus Flavius says:


    Is there a way to have *all* images placed in a specific folder displayed (instead of images of a particular category or number of recent posts)? There will definitely be more than 5 images…


  14. ZoiX says:

    Bob: Yes, in the code.
    admin: I traduce your plugin to spanish, if you want to publish it, please send me an e-mail and I reply you with the ZIP.

  15. Pete says:

    Is it possible to use a different slider on every page.
    For example giving the VSlider another target imagemap (eg the page name) if it enters another page.

    1. admin says:

      i want to keep this as simple as possible. You can add your own images and link to your static pages. Lots of extra coding just to have a dropdown menu with the pages for me is not make to much sense.
      You know what i mean?
      As for next and back button is the same answer. Feature Content Galley does that pretty good. vSlider is about sliding images and that’s it.
      Main idea is to be simple, elegant and jQuery based.

  16. Ben says:

    Great plugin. But i have a bug here : a white gap on the left of the slider, between itself and its container. Any idea about how i can solve that ?

    Anyway, thanks and keep up the good work.
    The simpler, the better !

    1. admin says:

      Get the latest version and you’ll be ok. :))

  17. Josephus Flavius says:


    Great plugin!

    I no longer need more than 5 images, but have a new question:

    Is there a way to edit the speed of the fade? I’d like it to fade more slowly. Can this be done by using the edit plugin panel? Could you tell me what lines?


  18. arramuse says:

    Great plugins, Sure, I need This..

    thanks admin.

  19. baron says:

    Works great, thank you

  20. Elton says:

    Sorted it thanks. Good work, nice simple rotate

  21. Antonio says:

    Great plugin, good work… With an option to create different slides for different pages it’d be totally awesome 🙂

  22. Chuck Hungler says:

    I have a dumb rookie question but I will ask it anyway:

    I have everything ready to go but I am a little confused with how to get it in the page.

    I want it on the “Home” page .

    Do I just add an image? How do I link it and can you give me an example.

    thank you,

  23. Chuck Hungler says:

    I am also just using “home” as a page and not a blog.

    thanks again

    1. admin says:

      I understand you have a file called home.php and that file is a static page. Don’t really mater if your WordPress driven site is a blog, presentation site or a squeeze page. You just edit the file with notepad or whatever text editor and add the code that triggers the slider and from the slider menu add your images and where they link to.
      More explanation on WordPress plugin repository if what you find on this page is not helping you.
      You may also send me a message on the contact page and give me the link to your site.


  24. VVOR says:

    Is it possible to add the script to a specific page only ?
    Please help me out !

    Thanks ( http://www.vvor4.nl )

  25. Oes Tsetnoc says:

    N ice !! thanks for sharing..

  26. shawn says:

    I tried the plugin but it instantly broke all my mootools js. Do you have a vs. with no conflict mode?

    1. admin says:

      Shawn, if your site is based on mootools library you should use featured content gallery witch is based on mootools as well. However, WordPress core and all major plugins are based on jQuery library.
      You might have problems with other jQuery based plugins in the future.

      As for jQuery working together with MooTools it’s just a nice wish… all hacks are not really working.

  27. S says:

    Exactly what I was looking for!

  28. Adam says:

    I’m using your plugin which I yhink is great, for some reason the slider does not change images, I have 2 images in rotation using the “Check this box if you want to use other images and links in the slider” function but no but the fade or slide effect does not work, stays only on the first image. Do you have any idea what might be causing this conflict, thanks in advance.

  29. Adam says:

    just wanted to let you know the plugin is working perfect now, I deactiveted Headline Rotator and vSlider started working. thanks for this great plugin.

  30. Marek says:

    This is great.
    My wish is that it could do different slideshows on different posts/pages.
    So your interface would be able to save for, say, slideshow1, which I can then shortcode on page 1. Then save a different slideshow, say slideshow2, which I can then shortcode on page 2, etc.

    That would mean really dynamic content across a whole site….
    o well…. can’t find anything else that does that.

  31. How do you set up the slider with just the image? Right now the slider doesn’t “obey” the lenght.

    I have set the w/h to w: 630 px h: 235 px
    But it looks like this (http://bayimg.com/image/eaekgaacf.jpg)

  32. Sorry. Solved it. Was a orphan CSS class that was interfering. Great plugin!

  33. Angela says:


    I’m using your plugin and love it and have what is probably a silly question but I can’t figure it out today.

    My dropdown menu is dropping behind the vslider, how can I fix that?


    1. admin says:

      Angela, this is not a stupid question at all. You are using wp remix theme and there was a lot of questions on their forums about how to integrate vSlider with their theme. I have tried to give some answers on the forums but they have been deleted, do not ask me why… The answer to your question is a basic rookie designer mistake (what should not happen in a commercial theme).
      You should set from your CSS file the “3D” position of your navigation bar and your dropdown will cover the slider, a java script, flash, or whatever is under the navigation bar.
      For this: edit “style.css” file and find the line

      #nav {
      margin:0 auto 5px;

      and change it to :

      #nav {
      margin:0 auto 5px;
      z-index: 99;

      The z-index: 99; will set the third dimension for your navigation bar and display it correctly.

  34. Mike says:

    Thanks for the great plugin, I added three images but how can I remove the link status when hover the mouse on the images?
    Thanks a lot!!

    1. admin says:

      You should look for

      title="' . the_title_attribute('echo=0') . '"

      and remove that. There’s 3 lines

  35. Shawn says:

    Great Plugin! This is one of the easiest sliders I’ve ever used. I have a bit of a problem though…just happened today actually.

    I have recently updated a website to the new version of WordPress (2.8.5 ) and the vSlider no longer works…any idea of when we might expect an update on this plugin that’s compatible with WordPress 2.8.5? And is anyone else having the same issue?

    Thanks and great work on vSlider!

  36. Shawn says:

    The problem has been fixed!

    Just and FYI for anyone upgrading to the new WordPress (2.8.5).

    Be sure to deactivate the vSlider plugin before upgrading. I had to deactive AND uninstall the plugin, then reinstall the plugin for it to work with the new WordPress 2.8.5.

    Hope this helps someone else!

    Thanks again for a great plugin!

    1. Matrich says:

      Hi Shawn,

      I tried following your procedure of deactivating, uninstalling and then re-installing and it failed to work. I have tried upgrading again to the newest version WordPress 2.8.6 and I am still getting the same problem.

      When I try to look for the error using IE, the status bar shows Done, but with errors on page. When I click it, I get details
      Line: 48
      Char: 9
      Error: ‘jQuery’ is null or not an object
      Code: 0
      URL: http://localhost/wordpress/

      Could it be that it’s not referencing jQuery? Could anyone please advise?

      1. Stefan says:

        All i can say that on this site i updated WordPress to latest without uninstalling the plugin and works fine. Can be the problem is elsewhere.

  37. Lennie says:

    I added you slider to a site, but it is only showing 2 of the 3 custom images. Any suggestions?

    1. admin says:

      Might be the third link to be broken? Did you checked out?

  38. Polfeck says:

    I have been using this for months and it is BRILL!!!!!!!

  39. Christian says:

    This is exactly the plugin I’ve been looking for!
    My question is that when I add a border using the extra CSS box in the plugin setup, it appears larger than the picture and leaves white space between the picture and the right hand side of the border box. I do have version 1.2.
    Do you know what is causing this?
    Thanks in advance.

    1. admin says:

      Just send me your site address to see what’s the problem.

  40. wery nic epluging slide show thanks

  41. videolar says:

    wery nice pluging but this efect only fade and slide ?

  42. RickG says:

    Stefan – thanks for your work on vslider. It does exactly what you describe … and does it well!

    Q: I’m only using the slider on certain pages and would like to suppress the header entries when possible. As an example, I’ve added the following to the themes functions.php which keeps some of the slider’s js off the home page:

    add_action( ‘wp_print_scripts’, ‘my_deregister_javascript’, 100 );
    if ( is_home() ) {
    wp_deregister_script( ‘jquery-ui-tabs’ );

    I notice in vslider.php the add_actions on the bottom. In my ignorance I tried wrapping the first two around an if ( !is_home() ) { but to no avail. Is there some other way I can control on which pages they load?

    Thanks –

    1. Stefan says:

      Why not add the slider PHP call like this in your theme?
      if ( is_home() ) {
      if (function_exists('vslider')) { vslider(); }

  43. David C says:

    Hey i seem to be having the same problem as Angela with the drop down bar. I plugged in exactly what is written above in the css.style sheet but the bar still goes under the vslider. I to have wp-remix and have been having this problem for a little while

    any thoughts?

    1. Stefan says:

      Ha, found your comment. :))
      Answer here:

  44. torio says:

    great plugin!

    but how can i remove the link so that you can not click on the sliding pictures?

    thanks in advance…

    1. Stefan says:

      Think about adding this function.

  45. Arlo says:

    Great plugin, but I’m having some issues with transitions in IE7 & 8. They seems to be creating a “difference” color when making the transition. Do you know what this could be caused by? I’m using .PNG’s as my banner images.


    1. Stefan says:

      I use PNGfix and works well in all IE versions. Check it out here.

  46. Jlolide says:

    Just an FYI, The plugin pulls an error when I hit “update settings” in WP version 2.8.5

    Granted, I am unfortunately using a wordpress installed by my client on a Go Daddy server which was installed by GoDaddy automatically and not manually. This may have something to do with it?

    In any case, wanted to make ya aware of it. The post action draws up /admin.php&updated=true in the url. Which then I get an error page stating such url does not exist on my server.

    Any advice about how to solve this would be greatly appreciated!


    1. Stefan says:

      Jose, i will check out this. Please send me a message with the error.

  47. Ollis says:

    I’m using WordPress 2.8.6 and can’t get the vSlider to work. Is it not compatible with this version of WordPress?

    1. Stefan says:

      It is compatible up to WordPress 2.9 beta. I use latest stable WordPress version 2.8.6 at this moment and vSlider works like a charm.

  48. David says:

    Hey, thanks for getting back to me on getting the drop down bar over the vslider, i just had to wait 24 hours for it to start working.

    My new question is that I’m a little confused whether or not it is possible to get more than just 5 images rotating. If it is how would I go about doing that (as a begginer nube).

    Appreciate it

    1. Stefan says:

      For the moment it is not possible to add more than 5 images. I thing about changing this because of many requests.

  49. Tristan says:


    I love this plugin, it is great!
    Is it possible to add/change the alt on each image?


    1. Stefan says:

      If you are featuring images from posts, the alt will be the post title. Perhaps I will add this function on the next update.

  50. Nathaniel says:

    Hey there!

    So I’m designing a site for a client, and I want to use this plugin, but it’s not working. At all. I’ve used almost every way of including the images in the slider by adding them to a post, creating a custom field, and adding them into the plugin. None of them seem to be working.

    To answer the obvious questions:
    1) The Plugin has been activated.
    2) I’ve tried deactivating, deleting, and reactivating
    3) I’ve been testing in the default theme, so there’s no crazy code that would be interfering

    Any help?

    1. Nathaniel says:

      And if this doesn’t make things wierd enough… it just started working in my local environment out of the blue, but it still doesn’t work on the website

      1. Stefan says:

        It looks like it is working now.

  51. addinall says:

    Hi. I am a little new to wordpress. Great plugin however. I have used Drupal and JOOMLA a fair bit, and my own CMS Chameleon and I must say I get a little confused with WordPress. Anyway, I got your slider working on the ‘home’ page, which is just fine. But when you hit one of the recent posts from the right side bar the screen goes wonky. I don’t know whether the slider should be there or not. If you choose one of the Pages, the slider goes away. I inherited this page trying to help the lady out! any clues I would be grateful.

    Thanks again.

    1. Themes says:

      I’m getting the exact same issues. Any ideas?

  52. addinall says:

    ‘SOK. I just discovered the difference between ‘index’ and ‘home’ in this funny system!


  53. savvy chick says:

    hi,, i have uploaded all the files and followed your instructions.. however i’m unable to see any slider in my blog.. i have only one post, will this be the problem

  54. savvy chick says:

    Hey,, now it’s working fine … thanks

  55. wolf says:

    Hi there,

    love your plugin and have many uses for it.
    The only improvement I’d lie to see is a transition feature between the slides rather than a blank, so that one image replaces the other seamlessly.

    That would be awesome!
    Thanks much and keep up the good work!

    1. Stefan says:

      Thank you for the kind words. I am not a jQuery specialist and will ask for help. If someone will want to help on improving the java script just send me a message.

      1. wolf says:

        You are welcome! I know that there are various free scripts that handle the transition. That might be of help. I’ll keep looking and let you know in case I find someone who’d be willing to help implement the transition. Thanks much!

  56. Appz says:


    i have implemented your vslider into my website and i LOVE it!
    But there is a problem.

    The url doesnt change with the picture if i choose ‘fade’.
    There is no problem with ‘slide’, but that is not the desired effect for me.

    Can you help me?

    Thnx, Appz

  57. Henning says:

    Hello, thank you for a great plugin.

    I have on question about the plugin. I have five different pages in my wordpress setup. Is it possible to have different images for each page? Say I want 5 images in my home page and only 2 different images in my about me page. Is there a workaround to make this happen?

    Thank you for a very nice plugin!

    1. Stefan says:

      You can use custom images and link them to whatever…

      1. I need to know how to create multiple instances of the VSlider. I want to use 3 or 4 sliders with different pictures. There should be a way to have multiple sliders?????

        Stefan your reply above sucks!

        Someone post how to do this please!

        1. multiple sliders says:

          There is actually a way to have multiple vsliders but you better know a little php or you can royally screw things up.

          Basically, duplicate the entire vslider folder, and rename the folder to, say:

          and then do the following:

          name every instance of vslider to something else, i.e. “newSlider”, EXCEPT for the following links:

          rename this from “vslider” to “newSlider”
          wp_enqueue_script(‘newSlider’, WP_CONTENT_URL.’/plugins/newSlider/js/newSlider.js’);

          vslider.js – rename to “newSlider.js”

          I have tried other slider plugins that offer multiple and this way is still easier!

          1. Nelson says:

            you will also need to change all of the variables such ‘$v_width’ to ‘$vNew_width’ so they don’t make conflict.
            Same case for ‘$vImg_1’ and ‘$vLink_1’ and so on.. all of them!

  58. James Hutson says:

    Great work. Best slideshow solution for our needs (and I looked at a lot of them).

    My only suggested enhancement would be a randomiser.

    Our site http://www.scienceinpublic.com/stories/ has a 58 images slide show (yes, I release you may not have catered for this crazy sort of usage) and as the slide show starts from the beginning after any page load it means many of the images never get seen.

    Thanks again,

  59. Matt C says:

    FIrst of all – great Plugin. I have it ALMOST figured out to my liking – I am using the Thesis Theme currently – what I want to do is have the image slider rotate between two images, but I only want to slider to appear on the HOME page – right now it appears above the content area of EVERY page. Does anyone know how I can get it to only show up on the home page?


    1. Stefan says:

      Matt, you can use if is_home condition for that.

  60. Bob says:

    I’m trying to use your (very cool) plugin on a static front page. I want vslider to be on the front page and not on the other pages. I’m using WordPress as a CMS. This works on my test server but on the web server (earthlink) the vslider is placed on all the pages. Is this normal and is there something I can do to achieve the effect I’m going for?

    1. Stefan says:

      Looks like you are not using home.php in your theme or might be that the slider is located in the header. In that case you could use if is_home condition and will be displayed only on homepage.

  61. GuyWingfield says:


    I’m using this plugin with the Backstage theme from Woo. It looks great in Safari and Firefox, but I can’t get it to look right in Internet Explorer. Any thoughts? Much appreciate the help…

  62. Andrew says:

    Hi Thanks this wonderful plugin, while after i follow the instruction to install it, it shows only one static image instead of rotation.

  63. Peter says:

    I love this plugin but I cant seem to get it to display any wider than 600 pixels. Even when I change the settings to something like 669 x 264, which I need.

    Is there anyway to make this plugin display wider?? Thanks!

    1. Stefan says:

      The size of the images can be set to any size. Did you checked if the container where you put the slider is not set to width 669px and cuts the images from CSS with overflow:hidden command?

      1. Peter says:

        Actually, this was my mistake. I needed to adjust the margin settings for vslider. Thanks for your reply!

  64. Kelly says:

    i need to have a random image of vslide, for don’t have the same image for first, but i don’t know how i can do….
    Can everyone help me please.
    Thank You so Much

  65. Dan says:

    This looks like a really nice plugin.

    A couple of things I’d love to see included:

    The ability to specific a gallery for display (or to display the gallery for the page the slider is hosted on), as opposed to specifying specific images or post categories.
    The ability to NOT slide – so to load up one of the images randomly, and display it without ticking to the next one.

    That would make the plugin flexible enough to use everywhere!

    1. Stefan says:

      Hello Dan, I am working this week to add some extra functions to the plugin and will meet most of your requirements.
      The main idea of the slider is to animate the transition when rotate the images. To rotate the images without transition can be achieved with PHP, i will write a tutorial about this.

      1. Dan says:

        Sounds great, I’ll keep an eye out for the update.

  66. erica says:

    How can I change the positioning of the vslider? I made a shortcode for vslider so I could put it only on the pages I wanted it on, then put the shortcode inside a positioned div – that didn’t work… then tried inside a table – which also didn’t work… since I guess as long as vslider() is called, it will place it at the top of the content page and not where placed… ?! I’d like it to be right-aligned, with the text wrapping around it.

    any advice?

    1. Stefan says:

      From the option page you can add custom CSS styling to it like floating or whatever.

  67. My webmaster installed this plugin. Good job.

    My only suggestion is that instead of limiting it to 5 custom images, it could catch its images from a NextGen gallery.

    I tried the setting to catch images from a post category but that doesn’t work. It shows 44 images (not there) and shows now images in the header. Then again, the images are displayed in this post using a NextGen gallery.

    1. Stefan says:

      Don’t really follow you…

      1. kas j says:

        i seem to have the same problem. the plugin doen’t work in the “display images from a specified category” mode. it works in ” custom image” mode.

  68. Otelo says:

    Terrific plugin. Thank you very much for creating it!

    If I needed to have more than 5 image fields under the Custom Image Settings … can I go into vslider.php and add more?

    That would also be a nice feature … a field to type in how many image fields you need under Custom Image Settings the fields would be dynamically generated (both image and link fields) based on the number you needed.

    At any rate, I would appreciate a little clarification on whether I can do it by modifying the code in vslider.php. Once again, THANK YOU for your great work.

    1. Stefan says:

      Thank you Otelo for the appreciation. By tomorrow (i hope) the plugin will be updated with the possibility to add up to 10 images. I do not want more because the page can load slower having so many images.
      Any ideas i might have are welcomed. You can send me a message and we can chat about it, however, this is an open source project so no other benefit that a credit link.

  69. richard says:

    Great plugin — I love this!

    But I can’t get the images centered on my homepage. The slideshow remains left justified.
    I tried modifying “vslider Extra CSS” margin settings. None of the changes I made to margins or borders had any affect. If read what i can find on this site and the web.

    Any suggestions would be appreciated. I may just add some white to the left of my images.

    Thank you for the great work.

    1. Stefan says:

      Richard, someone did not closed the comments on the homepage.
      INSERTED VSLIDER in the home loop -- RICK
      I PUT VSLIDER below -- RICK

      It should be like <!-- Comment goes here -->
      This is why the vsldier ID is interpreted as comment so the styling is not applied to it.
      Great site by the way!

      1. richard says:

        Thanks so much — sorry this was just a syntax issue.
        (In college i spent days debugging a fortran mispelling of pi (p1). Long time ago.)

        WORKS GREAT NOW. Thanks again, it really adds a clean touch to my homepage.
        It was hard to pick just one image, and thanks to your plugin, i can nicely loop thru 5.

        Thanks again, and keep up the great work!

        1. Stefan says:

          Happy to hear that. Hope you like the new functions from v2.0 as well.

  70. BEE509 says:

    When I use the plugin as a header image, it has a black border on the top and left side of the image… any tips to rid this? What am I missing?

    1. Stefan says:

      It must be from your header css, but it’s just a ques. Send me a message with your site link to have a look.

      1. BEE509 says:

        eurostylesalon.com a little proj im doing for a friend, new at this..

        1. Stefan says:

          Add this to your CSS and the border will disappear.
          border: 0;
          text-decoration: none;

          1. BEE509 says:

            A million thanks, you sir; Rock!

  71. I noticed I can set the transition speed but not the # of seconds a particular image stays on the screen before it is replaced.

    Is there some code I can edit to make the image stay longer before the next transition?


    1. Stefan says:

      Did you upgraded to version 2.0? You can set the number of seconds to stay on the screen and also you can randomize the images now. There’s lot more added. Please go to options menu after upgrading and select the source as well (custom images, specific category or scanning for custom fields)

      1. Ups. I didn’t see any note in my plug-in section ‘upgrade available’ I have version 1.2. which we downloaded from WordPress.org.

        We’ll get the new version. Great news!

        1. kas j says:

          when i had 1.2 the plugging was working fantastic, after i upgraded it to 2.0 , when i select the specific category , noting is shown expect for a place space. but it is working fine in custom images mode. please help thank you.

        2. How to you keep the image from moving to the right in I.E. 7.0 ???

  72. Tom Mueller says:

    Hallo Stefan,

    having a small problem. i want to use your plugin for a fading effect of the header-image. so i put the PHP-Code in the header.php but something is not working. could u have a look at the website?


    I´m using the “Mystique”-Theme.

    Thanks, Thomas

    1. Tom Mueller says:

      I found out it´s a problem with the template. with other templates it´s working fine!


  73. Fernando says:

    how do i use the home conditional?

  74. Mike says:

    I’m having a problem getting the images to show up. The container shows up as a widget on my index page. It links to the post’s page but is a grey box with the missing image icon in it. I don’t have any tables in my db for vscroller. Is there supposed to be one?

  75. Moises says:

    Very nice plugin… it works perfectly.

    Any ideas to add other transitions in the future? for example something like sliding sideways?

  76. Thorwald says:

    I also posted this problem on your wordpress.org support forum but maybe this is a better forum.

    In IE 7.0 the sliding header image loads correctly and then moves half way to the right. This does NOT happen in IE 8, Safari, Firebox or Google Chrome.

    I would be really great to have this fixed. It’s a very nice plugin and worth a donation :-).


  77. 鹤翔天宇 says:

    Nice,really nice.
    I have been looking for this kind of plugins for a long time. This one is totally meet my needs. Thank you.

    What about adding some navigation botton ?

  78. Dwight Scoles says:

    Thanks Stefan for all of the work you have put into this project. It is exactly the thing I need.

    I have begun to update a Theme Hybrid theme and want to use your vSlider plugin. However, I need to use different slide shows on different pages. It would be fantastic if this had the capability to have named slide shows, such as: and and similar hooks in the [vslider] short code.

    Is there any way this can be done?

  79. Hi bro,
    I am very happy to find this plugging this is the real one that i was needing for a long time.
    Finally I am using this at http://Vijieya.com a Hotel website . Thanks bro again.

  80. Petter BErg says:

    This plugin is great.. But i miss one thing.. A slide to the left or right instead of the one that is now!
    If you could add that, this will be the best slideshow plugin ever!!!

  81. mas says:

    Hey, great plugin indeed, works like a charm.
    I’ve tested on Mac Firefox and Safari. Safari displays perfectly, but there’s something weird on Firefox: even if you choose to have no border around the image your sliding, there is a grey border on the top and left side of the image, sounds familiar?

    1. Stefan says:

      Must be something with the CSS code of the website. Reset the images to text-decoration:none and border:0 from the css. If not, you will have this problems with any images linking somewhere.

      1. mas says:

        Thanks for the reply.
        I was a bit confused because it looks perfect on Safari but not Firefox. I’m going to fully check the CSS and see if there’s a border somewhere…
        On the plugin CSS of course the border is 0.

        1. Stefan says:

          It is your theme CSS. Add this to it and you will be ok… must write a tutorial about this…
          border: 0;
          text-decoration: none;

          1. mas says:

            it worked!!!
            thank you so much!!

  82. TIMTI says:


    Do you see a possibility to implement two buttons “next” and “preview”?

    Thanks for your feedback.


    1. Stefan says:

      Perhaps in the near future.

  83. Mandala Reopens says:


    Thanks for the plugin. My images don’t seem to be transitioning… I am using custom images with links. The image never moves…

    Any ideas/suggestions on where to check to try and fix it?


    1. Stefan says:

      Try to disable other plugins one of the time and see if have conflict with one of them. Please send me the plugin name if it is so.

      1. Mandala Reopens says:

        I disabled all of the plugins except vSlider.

        Now I get one transition effect, and then it stops… ?!? 🙂

        I also checked and I have wp_head(); in my header.php file…

        Site in question is located here: http://new.electrosense.co.za/


        1. Mandala Reopens says:

          Here’s another possibility…

          I notice that my navs stop working on the home page of the site where vSlider is installed… but they work on the other pages where it isn’t installed…

          Just a guess 🙂

  84. Gus says:

    hey mate, love the plugin – it’s everything i need. Except i can’t get the images to rotate… The sidebar widget only displays the first image listed in the “custom images setup”, and doesn’t rotate or anything.

    any ideas?

    here is the site:

    here are my settings:

    hope to hear back soon, as i would love to be able to use this plugin.

    1. Gus says:

      i actually got it working now! I just disabled some plug-ins, including thickbox, and a few others. Seems like they were conflicting with your plug-in.

      1. Stefan says:

        I would appreciate if you’d send me the plugin names that are in conflict with.

        1. Gus says:

          The plugins i had active during the conflict were:

          “Thickbox”, “Sponsors Slideshow Widget”, and i think “Post videos and photo galleries”.
          I really think the Thickbox plugin was causing the conflict. I think i was using WP version 2.7.

          hope that helps Stefan. thanks again for a great plugin!

  85. Tom says:


    I’m working with your vSlider plugin and the new Genesis StudioPress Executive child theme much like your demo site. I have had wonderful success using vSlider in the homepage widget with image links pointing to a Post. However, I would like the homepage widget links to be directed to a Page not a post. I can add a custom field on a page but I can’t add a category so it doesn’t seem to link up. Can you help me to allow the Vslider widget in this case to go to the Page instead of a Post? Thanks in advance.



    p.s. The site I’m working on is not publicly available on the internet until a product release is made.

    1. Stefan says:

      Tom, why not use custom images and link them to your pages?

      1. Tom says:

        ah, ha! Now I get it! thank you. that worked perfectly! Thank you for such a wonderful plugin! I’ll post the site address when it gets released! Thanks again.

  86. Pedro says:


    I just installed vSlider plugin and I set it all on a custom field and I get no images on my sydebar…

    1. Stefan says:

      Pedro, did you added the widget to the sidebar as well?

  87. Jimmmy says:


    Really love the slider, and especially the easy installation. Surprisingly little out there with such a simple customization feature.

    I am really trying to make one of the images a short flash animation, sliding into some still pictures. Do you know how I would go about doing that?



  88. Chad says:

    I am using the short code and custom images but the image does not change. I have tried it on slide and fade but no transition.

    1. Stefan says:

      is wp_head(); present in your header.php?

      1. Chad says:

        I don’t see it. Where in the header.php file should I insert it?

  89. carson says:

    Stefan, this is a terrific plugin. It works so well!

    One request – I would love to be able to add different slideshows to different pages.

    Right now (I think) I can only add a single slide show…maybe I am wrong.

    1. Stefan says:

      At this moment only one can be added. Might be on the next update.

      1. carson says:

        !! I’ll be waiting 🙂

      2. jlapitan says:

        it would be a nice feature if we can add more one slideshow. hehe..

  90. Tony Hyams says:


    This plugin looks like just the thing I want. Have installed it, activated it, which all seems fine, put 2 images in the custom settings, but on the page it just displays the images on top of each other.

    As if the js isn’t working… everything seems fine any ideas where I went wrong?

  91. Andreas says:

    How do I insert the code

    into the custom_functions.php file of the Thesis WordPress Theme?


  92. Net hungama says:

    nice plugin ,but there 1 problem that how it will show slides in loop, i mean again and again???

    please help

  93. Etela says:


    Great plugin and so easy to install. Unfortunately I can not get the images to rotate; like some of the other people who commented above.

    I tried all 3 ways; on home page using the php code right after the ,
    in an individual post using the short code, and as a widget in the sidebar.

    The first picture shows up and stays static… no other images, no rotation.

    I disabled all my plugins except vSlider.

    It is such an awesome plugin and I would love to use it. Can you help please?

    Thank you.

  94. paul says:

    Custom images link 6 is broken: in the vslider() function, it refers to $vLink_5.

  95. Jurica says:

    Hi, I am using vSlider as website header. I pasted this code in to my header.php ” ” Now, how can I have different image sets in different pages, I mean, I have same header in all pages and I want to have every page with its own image set.
    Is this possible?

    Thx for excellent plugin

  96. paul says:

    8 is broken too.

  97. Duncan Hardy says:


    This looks like a great plugin, which should do exactly what I want. However, the transition is not happening. I’ve got 3 custom images setup, but it sticks on the first one and does not change. I’m using the shortcode on a page.

    I’ve tried disabling all my other plugins, but it’s still not working. Unfortunately, I can’t point you at the website becasue it’s still in development and not publicly available.

    Can you help?


  98. Kate says:

    Stephan, thanks for a great plugin. One question though. I’m developing a site for a charity and really need to make sure everything meets accessibility standards as far as possible; is there a way to control the alt text for each image in the custom images?

    1. Mark Excell says:

      Found a solution that works, but its not great.

      if you edit the plugin file vslider/vslider.php do a find for

      <img src="” alt=”

      This is the location for the alt text for the second custom banner, for each other customer change the 2 for the item number you want to change.

      I would assume you could also increase the amount of customer banners here if you wanted to as well.

      It has worked for me so it should work for you.

  99. Keran says:

    I have two gray bars on either side of slider and can’t seem to get them to go away. Tried re-sizing slider box in General Settings tried inserting img{
    border: 0;
    text-decoration: none;

    in the CSS. Neither worked. Any ideas?

  100. Chilly says:

    I really love your Plugin but I have added two custom images and they don’t slide/fade. If I open my homepage with IE I get an Error on this Line jQuery(‘ul#sliderbody’).innerfade({ . I have deactivate all plugins step by step – no effect. Hope you can help me!

    PS: wp_head(); is present in my header.php

  101. Chilly says:

    Sorry for Doppelpost. I have found the problem, my theme “mandigo” includes an extra jquery.js after i delete this it works.

  102. Sarah says:

    Hi all !

    I try to make this work, but when I add the “slider” custom field data, since I update the post to change to take effect, the custom field disappears ! no way to keep this custom field.

    and I have’nt the integrated fields that I’ve seen in the video.

    I had to have delete the widget implementation part in the php file because this was crashing the plugin installation (fatal error in line 147).

    What Can I do ?

  103. James Hutson says:

    The version 2 features look terrific but so far it breaks my site: http://www.scienceinpublic.com/stories (wordpress 2.9.1)

    As kas j and perhaps others have said above, the “display images from category” option results in a big blank.

    A quick turning off plugs in doesn’t seems to solve anything. Could it be Thesis (the template v1.6)?
    Is there a 1.2 download anywhere so I can roll back my install?
    Thanks and regards,

    1. James Hutson says:

      Should have also said: Adding a url into the vslider image upload field on a per post basis works fine but a sI have 58 images and growing it’s not an idea solution.

      This suggests the “scan the posts from the selected category” function is the culprit/hiccup.

      Again thanks,

      1. Thomas says:

        Im having an identical issue with the plugin, I can’t seem to get the category option to work correctly. I am using wp 2.9.2 and I have already tried disabling other plugins. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

  104. h4ctasks says:

    I’m getting the following error

    Fatal error: Cannot use object of type WP_Error as array in /home/www/[mydomainname].com/wp-content/plugins/vslider/vslider.php on line 386

    I have upgraded my wordpress to the latest version 2.9.2 . Is this plugin not compatible with it?


    1. Stefan says:

      this site use latest WP version and it’s working.

  105. marcin says:

    got a problem

    how to disable border around vslider, but leave around other images??

    now in my css looks that

    img {border:#fff 4px solid;}
    a img {border-bottom: #b8860b 1px solid;}

    any ideas?

    1. Go to WordPress Dashboard admin –> Plugins –> Editor –> Choose VSlider option from the dropdown menu on right –> vslider/vslider.php

      then look for the code

      #sliderbody img {-ms-interpolation-mode: bicubic;}

      Replace it with

      #sliderbody img {-ms-interpolation-mode: bicubic; border:none;}

      and save it.

      The borders will be vanished.

      Hope it helps.

  106. Brian says:


    Trying to use vSlider on a Studiopress theme > News Theme

    I am not suing the tabber option of News Theme instead I am trying to use vSlider in its place.

    I have the code for vSlider in the correct place on the home.php file but only the first image is displayed and it will not transition to the other images . If I change to the default wp theme, the images load and transition as they should,

    looking at the News Theme header code it loads a series of js files:
    tabber clear.js

    these files are loaded after the vSlider code is added.

    If I remove the jquery-1.4.min.js line then vSlider works – do you have any idea why there seems to be a conflict with vslider and jquery-1.4.min.js


    1. Brian says:

      OK got it working, the conflict was not a theme issue it was a user issue. I had been trying different image sliders and had left some js calls in the header – went back to original header for the theme and presto no conflicts with vSlider

    2. Stefan says:

      vSlider loads jQuery from WP core, so might be because the library is loaded twice

  107. After always being updated already

  108. I love this plugin, but on one site I am having a real problem.If I load the short code onto a page, the slider works perfectly. But when I use the widget, the first image loads and it does not rotate. Then I tried loading it into the home page PHP (I am putting this into a home page widget) and same thing, I can get the first image to show but it does not rotate. I am using corporate theme from Studiopress, and I am using customer images. The site is http://www.cookprofitabilityservices.com Makes no sense that it would rotate in the content page, but not from a homepage widget. Also the problem is specific to the homepage widget. It works great in a widget anywhere else. The plugin is great, really good work, but would love some help on this one!

  109. Erwin says:


    Im having a problem with vslider, i added the code to the header and it display the first custom image and link, great!

    Then i added more images and links (2-10) but the sliders doesn’t slide/fade. It just stays at image number 1.

    I tried adding it to sidebar to see if there was a problem in the header, but same result, no movement, just displaying the first image.

    Can you help?

    1. Jes says:

      I had the same problem, and it turned out to be a theme error. Check your header.php code, and add this right before the tag:

      <script type="text/javascript"

      1. Jes says:

        Well that didn’t work. Let me try again

        <?php wp_enqueue_script("jquery"); ?&rt;
        <?php wp_head(); ?&rt;
        <script type="text/javascript"
        src="<?php bloginfo("template_url"); ?&rt;/code/vslider/js/vslider.js"&rt;</script&rt;

        1. George says:


          Thank you posting this as I am stuck but

          1. In the June 7 post What are we looking for:

          <?php wp_enqueue_script("jquery"); ?&rt;
          <?php wp_head(); ?&rt;
          <script type="text/javascript"
          src="<?php bloginfo("template_url"); ?&rt;/code/vslider/js/vslider.js"&rt;</script&rt;


          Where is the tag.

          Sorry for the confusion.


  110. Erwin says:

    ps. i just tried deactivating all plugins except vslider, and still doesnt rotate

    1. By any chance did you find a fix? i was currently using the plugin also however im not sure what I did and it no longer rotates… any help greatly appreciated.

  111. jmdrago says:


    Installed this plugin as a widget. Have it pointed to 3 images in a folder on the root directory of my site.

    Page loads fine, and vSlider fades from the first image to the second – and then it stops. At the bottom of the browser page I see “Error on page” – I go in and this is the error:

    Webpage error details

    User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0; GTB6.4; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.4506.2152; .NET CLR 3.5.30729)
    Timestamp: Fri, 26 Feb 2010 18:16:06 UTC

    Message: ‘style.removeAttribute’ is null or not an object
    Line: 107
    Char: 2
    Code: 0
    URI: http://creationgraphicswebdesign.com/wp-content/plugins/vslider/js/vslider.js

    Any help would be greatly appreciated – this is exactly what I was looking for – hope I can get it fixed.

    1. josh says:

      hi, did you ever figure this out?

  112. Brandon says:

    I love the slider. It is great because I can manage it from the backend without messing with confusing custom fields.

    There is a conflct with the Headway WordPress theme in that when I have Vslider enabled I cannot open the visual editor on the theme. It is easy to work around by disabling vslider when I edit the theme but still thought I would let you know.

  113. DougG says:

    Thx for the plugin. Using FF and latest WP. Can’t get featured categories or custom fields etc to show up. Custom images works like a charm but shows an empty slide where the featured posts should go. Is this a bug or have I done something wrong? Thanks for any help!

  114. Hilary says:

    I really like the user interface of this plugin, but my first question before deciding on it is whether or not I can add captions, or get the alternate text, etc. to show up. My hope is yes. My second question is, “How?!”

  115. Mary says:

    Is there a forum for vSlider?

    I am having two problems with custom pics in WP:

    I have embedded the [vSlider] code in a Page. WP is treating it as a bullet point and adding the icon to the top left corner of the slider as per my CSS. The html does not show it as an . I also tried to add list-style-type: none; to the CSS on vSlider options.

    Also I defined the viewer as 600 x 280 and made my pics the same size but the bottom is being truncated by about 10 px. I tried increasing the size of the viewer to 600 x 300 but it didn’t change.

    Any ideas?


  116. leonard says:

    Hi! it seems like a nice plugin! but can you fade anything else than images, can you fade text ?

  117. leonard says:

    Wow, I am stupid, did not read the title “WordPress Image Slider Plugin”

  118. wowNICE says:

    Will you add some NAVI buttons in next update?

  119. Frankman says:

    Great Plugin……
    is it possible to use buttons to switch between the images faster then the Animation speed ist set,
    or switch back to the last img?

  120. Tracie says:

    Love the vSlider – it works perfectly! Is there anyway to have my custom images open external links in a new window?


  121. Mossman says:

    This looks like the best plugin of its type, but I’m having some problems as well…

    I inserted the code into the header.php of my theme (Mystique) and it seems to work at first, but it gets stuck on the second image.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.


  122. Dan says:


    I’m using the vslider in my thesis theme on wordpress but I find that it wont work and is conflicting with my tabs2.0 plug in, specifically the javascript which is:

    Is there a way round this?

  123. Thank you very much sir ..it’s cool plugin ..now i ready to integrate ..

  124. PHILLIP says:


    I seem to be getting a Javascript error when using IE8 with Win7, though this error does not appear in WinXP using IE8.

    I wont post the URL of this website is its on a temporary domain (still under development), but if you email me I will send it to you directly.

    Error Below:

    Webpage error details

    User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/4.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; Media Center PC 6.0; InfoPath.2)

    Timestamp: Fri, 19 Mar 2010 09:29:36 UTC

    Message: ‘flashyslideshow’ is undefined

    Line: 663

    Char: 1

    Code: 0

    URI: http://www.xxx.co.uk/new/

    Message: Invalid character

    Line: 1

    Char: 2

    Code: 0

    URI: http://www.xxx.co.uk/new/javascript.js?ver=2.9.2

    Webpage error details

    User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/4.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; Media Center PC 6.0; InfoPath.2)

    Timestamp: Fri, 19 Mar 2010 09:29:53 UTC

    Message: ‘flashyslideshow’ is undefined

    Line: 663

    Char: 1

    Code: 0

    URI: http://www.xxx.co.uk/new/

    Message: Invalid character

    Line: 1

    Char: 2

    Code: 0

    URI: http://www.xxx.co.uk/new/javascript.js?ver=2.9.2

  125. Just upgraded to V2. It works ok, but no matter where I put the [vslider] shortcode in my page the slider always appears at the top of the page. How can I get the slider to display at the precise place I want in the page?

  126. tobias says:


    I’m trying to use vslider. But it seems like jquery isn’t loaded. Do I have to load it separtely?

  127. alex detrick says:

    I’m using your slideshow in the upper right hand corner. But, there’s a border on the top and left. It’s blue in IE and some other color in firefox. how do i get rid of it?

  128. Wade says:

    How can I give authors rights to view the vSlider plugin in the Dashboard? Do they have to be admin users to view it? Thanks

  129. Thoams says:

    Love the plugin but is there any way to make the slider horizontal… eg right to left?

  130. Milos says:

    I have some strange problem with vSlider 2.0 + WordPress 2.9.1:

    Custom images – superb!! – everything is OK.
    BUT: images from Category / Post: – NO IMAGES on website, NO PHP errors.

    It looks like vSlider did not find any image….
    Do you have some idea, some test SQL query etc.?
    Thanks a lot, Milos

  131. Steve Bouchard says:


    I have the Wpress Monster from theme forest, i want to desable the cu3er slideshow and use the Vslider2.

    It doesn’t work and it show me 3 slide in vertical column

    Can you help me ?


  132. Nathaniel says:

    It would be awesome if we had the option to open the link in a new window. I’m going in and adding target=”_blank” to mine. It would be pretty cool to have this be a selectable check box for each image on the plugin settings page in the admin panel

  133. Mark Walker says:


    Hi Forum it will be easier to see what the issue is if you can hop over to the ‘My Software’ page at http://www.whoismarkwalker.com

    I seem to have a 1/2 frame around my software images and I can’t remove it. I have tried what I think is all of the settings in the vSlider Setup.

    Can anyone assist?

    Many thanks,
    Mark Walker

    p.s: I’ll happily give my solution finder a copy of either my http://www.tweetscheduler.net or http://www.powerlinkcloaker.com software as a thank you.

  134. Wilmer says:

    Unfortunately vSlider conflicts with the ‘edit in place’ feature of the flutter plugin. http://flutter.freshout.us/ Do you perhaps know of a solution? I really would like to use your very nice plugin!

  135. Andrew says:

    [RUS] Большое спасибо Вам за отличный плагин. Пользуюсь им и радуюсь 🙂 Великолепный плагин!

  136. sanksa says:

    wikkid plug!
    there seems to be a conflict ith disus plugin…
    no matter what option i use for post/image recognition the result displays some funny CDATA code from disqus…

    deactivating disqus resolves this issue..

  137. Greetings all,

    is it possible to replace header image and instead of this to put there slider with its own content?



  138. Andrew says:

    Fatal error: Cannot use object of type WP_Error as array in C:\wamp\www\Intranet2010\wp-content\plugins\vslider\vslider.php on line 386

    This is what i go to vslider set up in the admin

  139. Leandro says:

    The pluging just shows nothing, no image, but shows a blank square with the correct size I’ve set. The theme sees the plugin, because the blank square is there. When I disable the plugin the area just vanish. Any ideas? Thanks!

  140. Leandro says:

    Just another thing, the same happens with the widget. 🙁

  141. Daniel says:


    I’ve added the vSlider plugin to a testing site. It’s working, sort of. I added 8 custom images, and for some reason, it’s pulling four of them at the same time, thus ruining the home page with four images in a vertical column. Any idea why it’s pulling 4 simultaneously instead of 1?

    1. Daniel says:

      BTW, you can click my name to see the testing site I’m referring to.

  142. Jeff says:

    When I add [vslider] to my page it posts a bullet point next to the slider. Any thoughts on how to get right of this?

  143. Khaliq-uz-zaman says:

    “Vslider doesnot work on Farsi wordpress”

    I installed v-slider on farsi-wordpress installation it does not work there .But when i use it on english wordpress installation it works properly.please guide me where is going something wrong

  144. Jason Unger says:

    Hi – I’ve installed the plugin, but the CSS and javascript aren’t applying. I had to copy the CSS into my theme’s stylesheet to get it to apply, but there’s no sliding going on.

    Any idea how to fix this?

  145. Barbara says:

    Thank you for this plugin; a nice easy fix for a client request. Works fine, just transitioning three testimonial quotes for a site. What I WISH I could do is stop the rotation; ie have it end on something static. Is there a way to manipulate the code to get that end result?

  146. Sarah says:

    Is there anyway to put more than one vSlider on a site/page/post/header?

  147. John Peterson says:

    I am getting the plug-in to work properly except for a weird purple border on the top and left of the image. Any ideas?

  148. Cornelis says:

    installed the plugin and activated it but the setup doesn’t show. I do get the extra menu in the wordpress admin sidebar but the only thing it says is thank you for using… fix?


  149. tom says:

    the plugin looks great but it does not slide or fade out.

    i chose my custom images and gave a few URL’s for images… but it’s only showing the first image


    what may cause it ? and how to fix it?

  150. Hi. First of all, thanks for the plug-in. If I can use it, I will definitely donate.

    It seems to work fine except for one little thing: When it goes through the images (I have six images)– I get a blank slide with the word “featured” there.

    You can see it in action at: http://www.newyorkrealestateco.com

    I really hope to use this plug-in. Maybe it’s something simple?

    Thank you in advance.

  151. nate rippke says:

    Is it possible to have the vslider not resize my image to fit the width and height?

  152. jamie says:

    Is it possible to use vSlider with forward/back buttons?

  153. j says:

    this plugin is awesome! exactly what i’ve been looking for. one slight problem though.

    i want the slideshow to appear below the text in the content of the page. i set it up that way on the HTML tab of the page editor (see code below), but for some reason, the slideshow appears above the text. why is that?

    `text goes here


    1. Dan Pavitt says:

      can you set a z-index for the vslider div?

      I am also going to be attempting this soon.

  154. Drew says:

    Hi, I’ve managed to get the vSlider working on one website, but on other sites that use other plugins nothing is displayed at all.

    Other plugins installed ate NextGEN Gallery and FLV Gallery

    How can i get the vSlider to work alongside these plugins?



  155. Dennis says:


    Is there a way to remove the white border around v-slider? Right now it shows a white left and top border against my black background.


  156. Dan says:

    Hey Stefan,
    Thanks for making this plugin. I am having a bit of a perplexing issue however.

    My site: http://www.lineinaudio.com

    I have 4 custom images/links defined, set to display randomly in the header – this part works as it should. The problem is that occasionally the first of the custom images displays for a split-second before the first randomized image, after which it all works properly. It happens about 50% of the time in FF3 and 75% of the time in Safari. Click around via the navigation and watch the slider to catch it.

    I don’t have any other front-end plugins in use except Contact form 7, though deactivating this doesn’t make a difference. Latest WP and Theme (“Blend”) builds. Minimal custom CSS.

    Any hints or help would be greatly appreciated.

  157. Alex Almeida says:

    I´m with some problem about IE7 and 6.
    In IE 6 and 7 the images is showed with half size

    is there any hack or automatic message to IE6 and 7 users?

  158. Thanks for the WordPress plugin. I’m trying to use it on main page of my vacation rental site, but I can’t get it centered and it seems to insert a bullet point before the photos. Any ideas on how to fix? http://www.christileen.com/

    Thanks in advance for any help.

  159. Chase says:

    I’m curious if there is a way to add a next and previous button to the image slider.


  160. Ryan says:

    Thanks for the great plugin. I made a few modifications and was wondering if somebody could help me out.
    problem – I have multiple instances of the plugin displayed on a single page, and there is a problem with IE7, the only images that changes is the first instance of the slider, and the next instance of the slider seem to stay static with the same images that they started on. Can anyone help me?

  161. TC says:

    Is there a way to make the links for custom images open in a new window?

  162. Paul says:

    Hi Stefan

    Added vSlider as a test and it is showing a blank. Any suggestions on what to look for.


    1. Paul says:

      Me being doh!

      Jusy need to change the margin and get a bigger image

  163. Brian says:

    I am having a conflict with the vSlider and the drop down navigation on my WordPress theme. Once I install vSlider, the top navigation drop downs do not work. Is there a fix or workaround for that?


  164. Jessie says:

    I really love this plugin. Works great but (yes there is always a but) is there any way to put little arrows on it so that readers won’t have to sit and wait for the previous slide to roll around again?

  165. mike says:

    Is it possible to have different vslider setup every page?

    I mean image1, image2, image3 will appear on home page then image4, image5, image6 will appear on about us page?


  166. ms says:

    Working fine on 2.9.2 with custom image.
    Is it possible the image to slide in from right to left? And image number links below in a line?

  167. Amazing plugin. This is what I’m looking for! Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!! xD

  168. aryakumara says:

    Vslider is a good plugin for wordpress. And it support for WordPress 3.0.
    I installed it for my blog. And it’s good on firefox and opera, but it’s not show on IE8.
    How can I fix it??

  169. Love this plugin. Using it on my band’s website:
    http://www.findingcore.com. Absolutely no issues whatsoever!

    Just wondering, is there any way of customizing the animation/transition style, or than fade or slide?

    Love it though.

  170. Mine is active and showing only the default slider images 🙁

  171. Jean-Marc says:

    I have installed and configured it in index.php and it’s working fine BUT .. . in IE6 when it’s in Fade mode, it display only the first image and then disapear, Someone may know why ?

    If it’s Slide, in all browser it working .

  172. I had an issue with the slider however I think I probably solved it, I am not sure which one did it but here is a step by step as to what I did before it worked for me once more.

    Issue: Activated plugin and used the custom images, however when I pasted the php code on my header.php file and viewed my site only the first image appeared and did not rotate to the second image.

    Steps I took to solve issue:

    1. I deactivated all my plugin – and still did not work

    2. made sure the wp-head came right before the and after all the scripts. still did not work

    3. I added the jquery UI link from google ajax. still did not work.

    4. I cleared my cache and refreshed and the slider started working.

    If anyone can clear this up for me it will greatly be appreaciated! =D

    Hope this helps someone out there.

  173. The.Love. says:


  174. danieliser says:

    I love this plugin and am using it on my site. Check it out here: http://wizardinternetsolutions.com/

    I hope the author reads this.
    I am a developer myself and would like your help to add the following features.

    Create more than one vslider.
    Some aditional options for transition effects.
    A random pattern with pre determined 1st slide

    If your interested email me.

  175. adi bowo says:

    WOW, amazing bro

  176. Matt says:

    Great plugin!! Is there a way to only install the plugin so it loads on the home page of the site only? I don’t need the script loaded on every page of the site. Thanks for any input!

  177. Auer Melanie says:

    Is it possible create a folder and use all the images that are in there,o that you don’t need the path for every single image?

  178. dennis says:

    I have tried to implement your plugin, but I am not great with code and I can’t figure out what page to edit in my theme much less where to put it. I have not found any page with “loop” in it. I am using a premium theme called Standard. (http://standardtheme.com/). I want to implement a least two slider photo areas on my site. One would be rotating a picture in the header and the other would be featuring my latest posts. I think your plugin sounds like a good solution for doing this if I could just figure out how to use it. Would you help me?

    Also, the images for your articles or posts are broken for me. I use Safari on a Mac (I have tried Chrome too with the same results). The demo of Slider is also broken.


  179. Ian says:

    How can i center the slider on a page? Thanks.

  180. thanks, I’ll try for my website.

  181. Jürgen says:

    It´s really great. But is there a way to make it work for multilingual purpose? On the home page (studiopress / enterprise theme) I want to show post pictures linking to the articles.

    I tried it out with WMPL – it only works with the standard language – but in the translated homepage the area is empty. Can anyone help me? Thanks a lot in advance!

  182. Diane says:

    Love vSlider! Using it as a header and looks awesome with Firefox, Safari, Chrome – but IE8 makes a garbled mess. Why can’t Microsoft learn to play well with others???

  183. Seb says:

    an you help, I seem to be getting his error message whenever I try and access the admin pane:
    Fatal error: Cannot use object of type WP_Error as array in /var/www/vhosts/*siteaddress-removed**/httpdocs/wp-content/plugins/vslider/vslider.php on line 386

  184. Ariel says:

    Using the shortcode method I, as it seems others are, end up with a static image, no matter how many other images get added to the slide show. I have also disabled other image related plugins, no help.

    Should that be fixable, I can think of one quite fantastic upgrade;

    Some sort of in-plugin cropping, referencing a posts already uploaded image. If fully manual control over cropping is difficult, I think at least a (scale to fit SS width, and use top, middle, or bottom of post image) would be helpful.

  185. Rocky says:

    is it possible to have multiple instances of vsliders on 1 website? or is it that you can only use it once per site?

  186. Rudolf says:

    Nice plugin!

    Only on my website it doesnt show correctly. Cant see the images.
    You can see it here: http://www.hobbieblog.nl/cms/

    What should I do to solve this problem?

  187. bonistation says:

    perfectly done! check mine http://www.bonistation.com
    thanks for this plugin!

  188. Jamie says:

    If your WP theme already uses jQuery then the vSlider will not work. I highly recommend that you include this info above so others will not spend hours trying to get it work. It would be awesome if you could find a way around this problem though, as you have created an excellent plugin for many to use.

  189. Karrie says:

    Hello, might be a dumb question for you, but this plugin is only allowing me 5 images and I would like to use all 10. It only gives me the option however for 5 custom images.

    By the way they all look great on my blog, just need and want to add my full 10 images.

  190. redconservatory says:

    First of all, thanks for making such a great plugin!

    The zip file says version 3, but when I unzip it, it says version 2?

  191. Andrew says:

    I am using this plugin, but I only see 5 custom image fields, not 10 as the documentation says… How can I get 10?

  192. jonathan says:

    I use this with the custom images on one website. On one image I use the title and the description fields, and it works great. But I get a problem when it is a multilingual site, I can’t find the title and the description anywhere in the string translations page. Can’t they be translated? Is there any code I can add to the vslider.php for making the strings show up in the string translation page?

    Thanks for a great plugin anyway!

  193. gursky says:


    Thanks for a perfect plugin!

    I wonder if it’s somehow possible to make the speed of transition slower (like make ‘duration’ jq parameter less)?

    I am using 1 vertical and 1 horizontal squares, so basically I need the fade in/out animation. But the speed of this transition turns out too fast. Can you advise?

    Thanks in advance

  194. WMeredith says:

    Wow! What a nice WordPress plugin. This is great, thanks.

  195. sempai says:

    It looks awesome… I will try to use this on my worpdress templates.

  196. Ricardo says:

    SEO thinking: is there any way to set ALT tag to images showing on this plugin?

  197. fruzan says:


  198. oscar says:

    Hi! I wonder what the shortcode is? It doesent say anywhere

  199. jeiboy says:

    Nice Slider it looks like what I’m currently using but the difference is the translation effect of the slide. anyway thanks for sharing this plugin bro.

  200. MightyDips says:

    Its a really cool slider, Working as expected. Working really nice on Chrome and Safari.Thanks for making the really cool slider.

  201. Chris says:

    Is there any way to control the order of the slides when using categories?

  202. Daniel Iser says:

    sorry that had code in it and it broke. anyways you cant have the h4 tag inside a span tag. the solution is still the same just change h4 to strong and

    ‘#vslider h4 {‘
    ‘#vslider strong {‘

    and add ‘display:block;’

  203. qazwsx says:

    Short code implementation: Video demonstration on the plugin options menu.

    there’s no video there… any help?

    1. Mr.Vibe says:

      Use [vslider] as shortcode anywhere in the posts.

  204. Gopu says:

    Hi I love the slider but cannot get it working at all, I am not that good at this. I can make it work with other themes, but I am using the new clearline theme and index.php is very diffrent..so where I put the php call function it dosent work.

    I tried shortcode [vslider] in my page..dosent work..

    What am I doing wrong…can you check my site once


    1. Stefan says:


      Please download vSlider 3.1, [vslider] shortcode works as smooth as ever. For any assistance use forums.

      Mr. Vibe

  205. Robert De Miro says:

    I’ve been searching for such a WORKING plugin for days !
    SO many thanks!

  206. FN says:

    Im trying to add the vslider on a static home page in a div and its not working. I added the php code but see nothing

    1. Stefan says:


      Please download vSlider 3.1, This bug has been resolved. For more assistance use forums.

      Mr. Vibe

  207. FN says:

    Im trying to add the vslider to a static home page in a div but its not showing I included the php code

  208. problem with php code says:

    I just noticed that the slider (version 3.0) doesn’t work when I use the code:

    I have to use a lowercase ‘s’ in order for the slider to work:

    Hope this helps someone.

  209. kpretlaw says:

    I have been using vSlider in previous sites. Great plug-in!

    On my current site, I cannot get the images to rotate. I have 4 images defined in the configuration, but only the first item displays.

    Any ideas?

    1. Mr.Vibe says:

      This could happen when the image location is incorrect.

  210. burhan says:

    thanks admin 😀
    nice plugin … 🙂

    1. Thank`s for the plugins…

  211. Diego says:


    First of all, thanks for this great plugin.

    2 quick questions:

    1. The description says the plugin takes up to 10 custom images, however when installed, only 5 custom image fields appear in the setting page. Can this be changed?

    2. Does anybody know where I could get version 2.0? I have 8 images to put on the slideshow, and I really miss the classic fade in/out effect.



    1. Stefan says:

      Unlimited images… multiple sliders… image upload… drag and drop image order will be available for the next release… second half of March 2011

  212. Brian says:


    I’d really like to get the slider to pull images from custom fields on pages.


    1. Stefan says:

      Why not featured images?

  213. mark shirley says:

    Sorry can I put that question in again as i didnt click the notify button. Can I produce multiple slideshows on different pages and posts in wordpress.

    1. Stefan says:

      Hello Mark, there have been to many requests like this so i will implement this in the nest released (about 15th of march 2011) 😉

      1. Alex says:

        Hi Stefan!
        great plug in

        some news for multiple custom image (5 —> unlimited)?

        thks! 😉

    2. Mr.Vibe says:

      Yes you can in vSlider version 4.0, which would be released soon.

  214. I am wanting to rotate pages instead of post but not having much luck… this does look cool though!

    1. Stefan says:

      Thank you, think about adding that feature.

  215. Joshua says:

    This seems like a great plugin, except that it doesn’t work. What if I want to place this within the loop? I am trying to set up a feature in the feature box of my thesis theme, which I believe is in the loop… the code provided does not seem to work in displaying the slider either way.

    What do I need to insert this via html? I am using a custom function file to create a custom page.


    1. Stefan says:

      When adding the code please check the brackets if you after you pasted in. Sometimes they needs to be replaced.

      1. Paul says:


        What is teh short code for this. I have tried everything obviouse and nothing seems to work.

        1. Mr.Vibe says:

          Simple, use [vslider] in the post wherever you want the vslider to appear.
          You may consider downloading vSlider 3.1.
          For more assistance use the forums.

          1. Paul says:

            Thanks Mr.Vibe!

            That was not working in v3 so I will try 3.1 and see how I get on 🙂

          2. Jason says:

            I was wondering when you had a new version planned to fix the fade bug? I don’t mind choosing another option but I like fade a lot.


          3. Mr.Vibe says:

            vSlider 4.1 has been released with the fade effect fixed. You might like to check out at WordPress.org.

            ( v )

  216. El Ames says:

    I am trying to set this up. But I have a static home page where I want this to appear and not on postings. So how can I do this because my only choice is posting categories for this header.

    Thanks so much.

    1. Stefan says:

      Really don’t follow you… you can feature custom images or from images from posts wherever you want. Do not really matter where you will display vSlider

  217. brian Abella says:

    is video allowed in the slide? like youtube embeded code?

    1. Stefan says:

      Not at the moment, but it’s a good idea to add this feature.

  218. Jesper says:

    I have tried using Vslider on my page and paste the sniplet into index.php outside of the loop as I can see it, but Vslider never appears. Im using Mystique theme v.1.048. and was wondering if anyone else have had succes with using this theme and Vslider?

    1. Matthew says:

      I’m not using the same theme, but I’m having the same problem where vSlider doesn’t show up at all. The link for “more details” up there doesn’t go anywhere, and I can’t find the video demonstrations either .

      Anybody have any ideas?

      1. Mr.Vibe says:

        You may consider downloading the new version vSlider 3.1 and provide us an update on this.

  219. Shawn says:

    I’ve been using vSlider for the past year or more….GREAT plugin!!!

    Quick question about a site I’m currently using vSlider on:

    Is there a way to display selection boxes below the slider showing how many images are in the lineup and highlighted for which image is currently selected?

    I would like to add a simple 2×2 pixel box or circle centered below the images….is this possible with vSlider??

    1. Mr.Vibe says:

      Good Suggestion. This feature would be added in vSlider 4.0.

  220. Caroline says:

    But where do I insert links to the specific blogposts to be shown?

  221. Pingback: Day Two |
  222. Rachel says:

    Is there a way to do multiple instances of this plugin? My clients would like to put three instances on one page that rotate using separate image directories.

    I love the plugin–which is why I want more of it. ^.~

  223. Art Duffy says:

    I like the vslider plugin, but I need some functionality to be able to incorporate this function to allow only certain images to show up on certain pages. Is that possible with the vslider plugin? I await your response… Thanks… Art

  224. erin says:

    love this plugin! but images from posts don’t appear (only custom images do). how can i fix this?

  225. hossein says:

    با سلام
    با تشکر از مطالبتون

  226. Juliette says:

    How do I place the slider on a page, is there shortcode?????
    Could not find the mentioned video, please help!

  227. SuperWebman says:

    Hi this is a great plugin! I have been using it for 2 days though and all of sudden it just stopped working. I mean you can see the first image but it’s not “sliding” and it doesn’t have the arrows either. Weird. Can you help?

    1. Stefan says:

      We will be releasing a new version of Vslider very soon. Sure, I will help but Please use the forum for such requests and do mention your blog/website.

    2. Stefan says:

      You may like to download vSlider 3.1 this bug has been removed.

  228. Andkon says:

    Hasta ka lingaw ani nga plugins oi, ganahan kyo ko sa effects. sulit kyo ni ibutang sa themplates pra pogi kyo ang effects. I love this plugin, salamat sa pag share sa plugins!

  229. Mike says:

    Category can be sent as a parameter to the function of vSlider? I would like to use a plug-in sub-pages with images from two different categories.

    1. Stefan says:

      Yes, right now you can select only 1 category. However this is a nice suggestion for vSlider 4.0 version.

  230. Anni says:

    I really like this plugin! but i cannot able to set more than 5 images in the slider is there any way to do it? please help!

    1. Mr.Vibe says:

      We just released vSlider 3.1 with 20 Custom images. Please download and share your feedback.

      Mr. Vibe

  231. Rachel says:

    3.1 has some major bugs… While the interface is great on the back end, it just lists the images on the front end, with no animation. Can you make a quick fix to this problem? I also think the overflow isn’t working properly.

    I don’t have an active example… because it’s my employer’s website. But I can set up an example on request.

    1. Stefan says:

      Yes, I would like to see the problem. This problem can occur when the jquery isn’t loading properly. I have created a new thread on the forums. Please mention more details on the below link:

  232. Rudi says:

    How can i open the link of the image on new window ?

    1. Mr.Vibe says:

      We would include this option in the next version for sure! A simple solution for this is posted here:

  233. mraicel says:

    REally thanks good work i may use it someday..:-D

  234. Pingback: Anonymous
  235. bdkamol says:

    Show this error in admin panel. but image show in frontend .

    Fatal error: Cannot use object of type WP_Error as array in ……………./wp-content/plugins/vslider/vslider.php on line 163

    1. Mr.Vibe says:


      Please mention your vSlider version, WordPress version and if possible a link to your website/blog.
      in the forums here

  236. Y3 says:

    Salamat sa pag share sa imong nindot nga Vslider plugin. Ganahan kyo ko mo gamit ani pra sa akng bag-o nga blog. Sana maka kita pko ug uban ani nga plugin. Brilliant sharing. Love it!

  237. mark says:

    Not working on WP mulitsite

    1. Mr.Vibe says:

      Please create a new thread in the VibeThemes forums.
      We would be happy to help you out.
      ( v )

  238. Roshan says:

    Hi Vibes, thanks very much for the great plugin, today i have faced a new problem, i’m using wordpress 3.0 navigation in my theme, for inside page i have vslider installed and running smoothly, and i have sub menu items going around 10 levels down, but when v slider i active i can only click top first 4 sub items only , please i need a solution for this, i need to keep the vslider in my theme.

    1. Mr.Vibe says:

      This might happen if the custom jquery used in vslider admin is conflicting with your theme. You can try editing the custom.js file in vslider plugin, the first function. For more help, please create a new thread on the Forums.
      ( v )

  239. Lucy Ryder says:


    Does this slider have prev and next links? Also, can we use thumbnail control on this slider, like you can with the JQuery Nivo Slider?

    1. Mr.Vibe says:

      Yes, thumbnail controls is also possible in the vslider. You’ll see this feature in next vslider version.

  240. HowITWorks? says:

    Is there anyway i can make the image size into percent = % ?????
    i need it to be in percent mode cause im using liquid layout…
    is there anyway?

    1. Mr.Vibe says:

      Yes there is a way to use % for image size. Please Create a thread in the forum for better clarification.
      ( v )

  241. askinterview says:

    this plugin is not working when i installed it properly
    is that you can help me

    1. Mr.Vibe says:

      Please use forums to use this.
      ( v )

  242. Alin says:

    Hello, Great plugin 🙂 – is there any way to setup the fading time?

    1. Mr.Vibe says:

      Use Delay between the Squares to increase the fading time. This is because when you are using the fading effect the whole image is basically a single square.
      ( v )

  243. Arthur says:

    Has anyone figured out a way to use the slide linking input box to link to a YouTube video and play it by opening up a Lightbox or Fancybox?

    That way it wouldn’t have to play in the rotator itself.

  244. Rachel says:

    Hi, I downloaded the plugin and all is working well except for the captions. I am putting captions on every other photo and the captions are coming up out of sync (ie lingering from previous photo when there should be no caption). Would you have any suggestions?

    Thanks so much.

  245. Jared says:

    Is there a simple way to make the heading text or description text link as well?

    1. Jared says:

      Just to clarify, I’m referring to custom images.

      1. Rachel says:

        For now, I’ve made separate images with the text as an overlay in photoshop. That solution works, although it does cut my image total in half. Any plans to release a version (even paid) with a greater slide capacity? Just wondering. Thanks!

        1. Mr.Vibe says:

          We would try to address your concern in next vSlider version. I recommend that you create a thread in our forums so that we can verify the required changes for vSlider.

          ( v )

  246. wilson says:

    I real like this plugin I have manage to make ir work on Local host but when I put it in to a server I cant see the pic I can only see a whait frem pleas help t will be so nice

  247. Friv says:

    Nice blog. i like your blog….

  248. Martin says:

    I have the slider placed in the header.php as this:

    The align center was the only way to get it centered.

    My question is: I only want it to be on the front page, not every page. What would be the modification to the code?

  249. Marcos says:

    Please add more transitions to this! I’d love to see a swiping transition (without the fading blocks), and it would also be good to control the speed of the transitions.

    Other than that, this is probably the best plugin in its category, love the work, thanks a lot!!

    1. Mr.Vibe says:


      We are comming up with a tutorial where you would be able to create your own image transition effect. I would post the link here for your reference.

      ( v )

  250. hj says:

    I would like to have two slideshows next to eachother on my page, but no matter how small I make them, i just can’t make it work.
    Isn’t there a way?

  251. Raheel Ayub says:


    Can we use vslider in CMS page?


    1. Raheel Ayub says:

      Okay I just found the solution. Thanks 🙂 By the way Great Plugin for WP !!!

  252. Petter says:

    This is a cool slider!
    I must say its great!

  253. What about giving it an update? All people using this plugin on this website don’t know that their site easily can be hacked with the current timthumb.php security issue. You should at least mention it in the post.
    Why are you using timthumb anyway? You can add a new size in the functions.php…

    Thanks for your great developing work, but the plugin REALLY needs an update right now.

    1. Mr.Vibe says:

      very rightly said, we are aware of the issue and have already announced of an update in our forums on this Monday, 15th August.

      ( v )

      1. Great. Thank you for your great work. Will you use the default WordPress functions instead of the timthumb solution now?

        1. Mr.Vibe says:

          Yes, we will try to implement & use WordPress inbuilt image resizing along with an option to center align the image instead of zooming it or resizing it. This is a pending request we have received from many of our users.

          ( v )

          1. Elise says:

            Thank you very much, I was about to ask this too. I’m glad it’s being worked on, this problem is what keeps me from putting my website online :/

            I hope you can manage a fix in 4.2…

    2. Michael says:

      I just had to remove this plugin as I believe it is the source of an iframe injection attack (via timthumb). Please update the version of timthumb asap.

      1. Mr.Vibe says:

        We have updated the timthumb with our latest release of vSlider 4.1.1, we are using timthumb version 2.7 .
        In case there are issues do notify us.

        ( v )

  254. Marcos says:

    Please add some more transition effects too! =)
    Thanks for the great plugin.

  255. krozbonek says:

    great update, my site is fine now 🙂

  256. York says:

    After update my vSlider does not work??

    1. Mr.Vibe says:

      Please create a thread in VibeThemes VSlider Support forums, we would be happy to help you!
      ( v )

  257. Mike says:

    it is possible to change the order photos?

    1. Mr.Vibe says:

      You can simply copy and paste the link in the order of slides.
      However, drag and drop ordering of slides is something we are currently workin at for your next version.

      ( v )

  258. Saqib says:

    Cool plug-in.. no doubt.. I am using it in one of my friend
    s portfolio site… http://www.nickk.in

    But here I would like to notify 1 bug to you… when I updated this plug-in (via wp plug-in update)… it removed our slide images (those were in wp-content/plugins/vslider/images/slide1.jpg location) and put the demo/sample images of the plug-in… and it seemed that it replaced all the folder of the existing plug-in with the new updated plug-in. that’s why it started showing the sample images. Then I found out the problem and got that my images are replaced with the sample ones then I uploaded the images again in the same folder and it started working fine.

    Please see this bug otherwise it would be hard to update the plug-in next time…!!!

    Thanks in advance

    1. Mr.Vibe says:

      Hi Saqib,

      We do not recommend you to upload the images in the vSlider images folder, we would like you to use the image upload and insert into the slide feature for future purpose. But your issue is a genuine one and we are working for a solution for such situations. Thanks for such a useful feedback.

      ( v )

  259. nathan grey says:

    two problems;

    1) while loading page, before it loads first image to show, i can see excerpts and titles of articles as a block. don’t seem nice. any solutions?

    2) i want to link title and excerpt of article to article as well. tried to add / in vslider.php in appropriate position, but the block became invisible. any feasible way to do this?

    thanks and best.

    1. nathan grey says:

      another bug i discovered, after i open the page in one tab and do other stuff and come back to see whats up, slider animations are much faster (normally 3000 ms, but now they move in less then 1/3rd of a second). i use chrome latest version btw.

  260. Gretll says:

    Hi i have a gap between my slider and my navigation can somebody help me with this please? Love the slider ! Thanks for making it downloadable ! Great person !

    1. Mr.Vibe says:

      Gap can be because of border width. You can use image button placement and container margins to set the vSlider in your site.

  261. adrian says:

    hi. i noticed a bug while configuring vslider for localhost development.
    1. on vslider options page – while show image buttons is set to yes, they don`t appear on front end. i turned on and off navigation buttons and those work just fine, but i don`t need them, i need image buttons. what solution can you recommend to try ?
    thanks, really great plugin.

  262. Rubens says:

    how do I get the slider itself to automatically resize when zooming in or out of the page or for different resolutions ? I set the size of the slider myself but if, for example, i zoom the page out/in, the slider size remains the same(it doesn’t stay in the page container, it goes over). Look at the slider on my homepage for example(it looks ok now, but if you resize the window or zoom in/out you will see what i mean). Thanks!

  263. Thanks for a great plugin. One question: is it possible to place a swf file into the slider, so that instead of an image, a short flash movie will play for the duration of the slide? I want to mix photos with very short flash movies for the header of my site. Thanks.

    1. exellent slider ,thanks

  264. Adam Haworth says:

    Thanks for a really well made and easy to use plugin, its been so useful.

  265. Joe says:

    Interesting plug in. You all should check out wpslide2see. They use these sliders to reveal ads.

  266. Laptophobo says:

    Hi. So far, nice slider.
    How do I stop the slider after the last image is shown? (I don’t want it to loop indefinitely.)

    Thank you!

  267. Rahul says:

    Nice slider but I think
    It should be much better than it. If you so in video How to use this this slider in own website.
    More than easy to use any user.
    Sorry for Comment.

    1. Mr.Vibe says:

      Cour comment well taken!Would try to include it in the tutorial. Meanwhile do check free themes coming up!

      1. Laptophobo says:

        Am wondering if you have a reply to the comment above:

        How do I stop the slider after the last image is shown? (I don’t want it to loop indefinitely.)

  268. Sohail says:

    how i can fix auto slide slution with vslider can anybody help me.

  269. Phau says:

    Hi wonder if we can display video on the slide?
    Like embedding a vimeo or youtube video??? That will make this plugin PERFECTO!

    1. Phau says:


      1. Mr.Vibe says:

        As of now vSlider 4.1.1 Does not support video! However, in the new version we would be including it.

  270. aska_surgun says:

    teşekkür ederim eLLerine sağLık

  271. tshepo says:

    thanx for this plugin it’s really amazing!!!! Can you please explain step 4 of installation process in laymen’s terms, coz i’m really new to wordpress and i’ve been trying to place the code outside the loop but nothing appears…. 🙁

    1. Mr.Vibe says:

      If you plugin is activated then you will see vslider.js file in the page source.
      Then if you use

      then vslider should appear.
      (Replace capital S in vslider by small s )

  272. Jasper says:


    If you want to make multiple different sliders in your website with all the same settings, is there a way to copy the settings? Or just a other easy way to do this?

    1. Jasper says:

      Mr. Vibe, do you have a answer on my question? Thanks a lot.

      1. Mr.Vibe says:

        As of now no. However, if you know a bit of coding I can help you out with it in forums.

        Otherwise, its a nice suggestion to include for next version.

  273. laptophobo says:

    Mr. Vibe. I’ve posted this question a couple of times, but it seems to get overlooked.

    How do I stop the slider after the last image is shown? (I don’t want it to loop indefinitely.)

    If it can’t be done, maybe you should let inquiring minds know that.

    Thank you,

    1. Mr.Vibe says:

      As of now vSlider does not have this feature. But I would try i include this.

      1. laptophobo says:

        Since your slider is so easy to configure and display, having the non-loop option is, for me, the only must-have feature missing. I’ll look for your new version!

  274. Marcos says:

    Can we customize the transition effects? just a simple right to left image slide thing.

    Also, is there a way to get rid of the text that shows up before the images load up? Its just some plain text that appears for a couple of seconds before the first image appears, and it doenst look pretty. Thanks!!!

  275. vaskar says:

    I have got problem in vSlider. When I activate vslider in wpadmin, jcarousel stops rotating images but when i deactivate it jcarousel works normally. Please help me to fix this problem

    Thank you

    1. Mr.Vibe says:

      I have replied to your issue in forums.

  276. Timothy says:

    Dear Mr Vibe,

    Tim here, I’ve very interested in your plugin, but I do have a few questions. I’ve found a featured image slider on the below website. And was wondering if the same kind of slider can be reproduced using vSlider.

    Here’s the website: http://sbtv.co.uk/

    Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

    1. Mr.Vibe says:

      Yes, offcourse, use the fade transition in vSlider.

  277. James Reimer says:

    On http://holidaycosmetic.com.au/ I cannot for the life of me figure out why the links won’t work on the slider. Any insight?

    1. Mr.Vibe says:

      Please use forums for specific requests. I would definitely help you out with such issues.
      ( v )

  278. There is something wrong with the fade transition, sometimes works well but others it just jump to the next slide.

    1. Mr.Vibe says:

      We have solved the issue and it would be rectified with next update.

      1. Tks mr.Vibe for the reply and tks for share this nice plugin… I Hope it will be soon

  279. marcos says:

    Mr. Vibe, could you add a transition effect that swipes from right to left on the next version of vSlider? I’ve watched the tutorial on how to customize your own transition, but I got stuck on the last part, where you atually have to tell the squares how to behave, I couldnt figure out how to make the rows swipe all at once from right to left.

    Also if you could just send me that line of code that would do that, I’d appreciate it, I’m sure its something simple, I just don’t have the practice. Thank You.

    1. Mr.Vibe says:

      I would try and email you the code where you can add the swipe effect. Just for a note I am working on another slider and have built the swipe effect.

  280. Guido says:


    I am looking for a solution to have sliders with different images in the header on each page of my wordpress blog. Is there a solution to do this with vslider?

    Can I use the custom field function to do this perhaps?

    Another (may be restriction) that I have is, that this must work with ProPhoto Blog Theme Version 4 as well.

    Thanks if anyone can help me with this!

  281. Johnny says:

    Hey I just installed your new vSliderDev plugin. I’m really liking the features…but it is interfering with my plugin search result. When I go to install or search for a new plugin, I enter the search criteria or click on one of the links and I get a source scripted page.

    When I deactivate your plugin, it’s fine. I’m not sure if it’s a scripting thing or what.

    Any thoughts?


  282. jzigbe says:

    Nice slider. I will give it a try. Thanks.

  283. Nice slider but i have some problems with the margin container in the header.

  284. Jeremy says:

    Nice slider, but I don’t actually see a “slide” animation option. Like a simple slide from left to right or right to left. Otherwise, looks like a great tool.

    Maybe I’m missing it?

  285. laptophobo says:

    I thought I’d check back to see if you’ve found a way to get your slider to stop after a cycle?

  286. james says:

    Really great plugin, although is it possible to get the text position on other edges apart from just the bottom, would be really handy to move it to say the left hand side for some images and up to the top for others – perhaps an option to add into the custom image fields.

    Like I said though, really great plugin. Thanks

  287. logesh says:

    Hi thanks for this awesome plugin. I am using a theme with responsive layout. When I resize the browser the slider is not responding to the layout, instead it overflows. Please help me out thanks in advance

    1. Mr.Vibe says:

      I am working on a fix to make vslider responsive. Will post it once complete.

      1. Paul Cobb says:

        I am building a site offline and loving the plugin which I am using with 3.3 and twenty eleven 1.3 to replace the main header image.
        I find that as I drag the width of the browser narrower the vslider image overflows on the right-hand side. Hoping that this is fixable.
        Also noticeed that when I view ‘installed plugins’ page, version is 4.1.2 but when I go to edit under ‘vslider’ the version number is quoted as 4.1.1

        Many thanks

      2. Heinrich says:

        I am also really interested in the responsive layout. I love this plugin but that is the oe thing i have not been able to do yet!

  288. Ang says:

    Hi, I love the slider, but would really like to use the fade transition, except it doesn’t seem to really fade! Can’t find any controls to slow the speed down – can you help?

    1. Mr.Vibe says:

      Increase the delay between squares and slides both to 3000ms.

  289. William says:

    I am trying to set the defaults, so the person Im building the site for doesn’t have to mess around to much, however when edit them in the .php file I get errors on my slider. For instance I lose the nav links.

    1. William says:

      I have sorted it, I found the developers pack you offer.

      Get plugin! Finally found what I was looking for!

  290. Ron says:

    Heyo Mr Vibe!

    I was wondering what’s the best way to center align the vSlider? By default, it is aligned left on my site and I’m trying to get it centered (http://wordpress.isobaps.org.au/)

    At first I thought it was the theme, but I changed the settings to float right and it worked as expected.

    If there’s no simple way, which file should I edit for custom CSS? I could apply a ‘text-align: center’ then, or at a strech, ‘margin-left: ?px’

    Thanks so much in advance!

    1. Ron says:

      In the mean-time I have just added 140px to the left padding in vSlider options. If you have time to answer my question, that would still be great but I understand if you are busy 🙂

      Thanks for producing the best slider for WordPress!

  291. Andrew Kings says:

    I have installed vSlider on my wordpress site and It doesn’t seem to want to slide! I have three images in a widget area. Does anyone know what I am doing wrong. Thanks!

    1. Mr.Vibe says:

      Please post your question again on Vibethemes.com/Forums and share your site url.
      It could happen because of following reasons:
      1. Multiple jquery inclusions
      2. Jquery conflict with some other plugin or theme

      Please check if vslider starts working by disabling all the plugins but vslider.

  292. Marcos says:

    Hi Mr. Vibe, just wondering how that transition – swipe from right to left – is going?

    Also, i’ve noticed images lose quality even when the slider is set to quality 100%. ive even set images the exact same size as the slider, so it doesnt need to be resized, and they still lose quality. Any way around that?


    1. Mr.Vibe says:

      Please check if the auto resize option is turned off. For swipe functionality left to right I am working on a new responsive slider whicg’ll be the freebie for the month of Feb, so wait till then.

  293. Peter says:

    Excellent slider. Simple to understand and use. I have looked at a great deal of sliders / galleries and settled on yours. May I suggest that you could stand above the competition by adding a lightbox option. Best regards

  294. Basque says:

    Great plugin!! I love this plugin!


  295. jess says:

    Just updated to version 4.1.1 and the slider do not show any images, it worked before..

    1. Donna says:

      Yep, 3.1 works fine, but 4.1.x shows blank images, including 4.1.2

  296. Ruth Gwilt says:

    I have been using this slider and am very happy with it, except for the fact that despite trying all of the transition effects, all it ever does is fade. I also find it odd that slides within the same slider will take very different times to change. I really hope the slide transition comes through and works.

    Thanks for the plug-in.

  297. Misty says:

    I have searched many slider plugins… but this one is best! Really love the widget, also.

    Just one problem… my pic’s text description overflows on the right side. Can’t seem to find any margin setting for the text within the widget. Left, bottom, & top are all fine though. Please help! Much thanks…

  298. Diego says:

    Great plugin.
    I am having issues adding links to text in the Description text area. As I add:

    Linked Text

    The linked word, and everything that comes after, disappears from view. Any tips or solutions?


  299. Afvallen says:

    I just installed this plugin on a blog of mine with the Twenty-eleven theme and it works perfectly. I’ve tried other things but none of them was like this. Thanks for the share!

  300. Hi
    I have been using the vSlider and it works very well but all of a sudden my images are no longer displaying. The site is for my charity event coming up soon, what can I do to fix this, please help.

  301. Tdogg says:

    Well, it’s midnight, and I’ve been searching all day for a WordPress plugin a “newbie” can understand, manipulate and execute like a pro IMMEDIATELY. I’ve found it. Thanks Mr. Vibe. I will give credit where credit is due on my web site. I’m one of those laid off journalists you hear about, hence no money to give, but if my site is a success, you’ll be first in line! What a great slider. So easy to use, I just can’t say enough.

  302. Greg says:

    Your plug-in doesn’t validate in w3c validation tool
    “Bad value for attribute target on element a: Browsing context name must be at least one character long.”

  303. Greg says:

    also STYLE should be declared in HEAD section not in the middle of the document

  304. James says:

    Hi there. Can this slider support embedded video so for example you’ll be able to play a vimeo video directly from the slider without having to go to vimeo.com?

    1. Mr.Vibe says:

      As of now, the plugin does not support this functionality.

      1. James says:

        Ok thank you.

  305. I’ve run across some troubles with the vslider.php file that caused some debugging issues, which I’ve written about in this article, as well as attached the corrected file if you’d like to include it in future versions.


  306. Seamus says:

    When I transfer my site from test to live server I loose all my vslider gallery settings. Why is this and how can I repair rather than rebuild?

  307. Wpfix says:

    Nice slider plugin. Thanks for sharing.

  308. Maria says:


    I bought a template from Templatic that has a built-in banner home slider in it..
    For some reason, i need another slideshow for another page.. So, i installed this vSlider..
    The slideshow on the inner page are ok, but when i redirect to home, my banner home slider won’t appear..
    I believe, somehow these two got crashed.. But i don’t know how to fix it..
    Any help would be very grateful..

    1. Mr.Vibe says:

      Please create a forum thread and share your site url.

  309. Paolo says:

    I must add that some transitions such as fade, does not work well, and does not properly correspond to the image description.

  310. Kyle says:

    I love this plugin. Thanks!!

  311. Tony Porto says:

    Love the plugin, but am having a hard time with the shortcodes, I have used it before and it has always worked, this time the shortcodes do not seem to be working on pages, any thought?

  312. Juanito says:

    Hello!!First of all thanks for this awesome plugin.I was just wondering when I go to plug ins in wordpress I cant find your plugin instead what I found was the M-vslider?Which say that its a mimic of vslider?So,why is that I cant find youre plugin in the WP?

    1. Mr.Vibe says:

      It’s available now.


  313. Thanks for the great plugin. I dug around for a while before settling on this one. I’m using it at ~URL Removed~ and would like to also use it at ~URL Removed~. Please help me figure out why my images are so pixelated at ~URL Removed~. I have it set to use featured image and the featured images are larger than the slideshow dimensions, 630×250 currently. Thanks!!

  314. Peter says:

    Hey there vSlider Team,
    thanks for this really simple and easy to use slider plugin for wordpress. i am absolutely impressed by your work 🙂
    I am using it on several of my sites like ~~URL Removed~~
    Thank you!

  315. Erica says:

    Love the plug-in but I’ve noticed that it’s been malfunctioning lately. I have it set to rotate through 5 images, but every so often, the slider shows that there are more than 5 slides, and the extra slides are either white or a repeat image. I was wondering if this is a bug I could fix or if anyone knows how to correct this problem. Thanks!

    1. Mr.Vibe says:

      Try removing the auto-resize check and see if it works. In case it does not create a thread in our forums.

  316. Great plugin. Was browsing through a site when i saw it and thought let me check out the info on this one and see what benefit it has for me. Vslider is sure a great glugin!

  317. Daniel says:

    I was wondering if their was a way to float the vslider so you are able to wrap text around it?

    1. Mr.Vibe says:

      Yes, In more vSlider settings use container float : left or right.

      ( v )

  318. Marcos says:

    Hey Mr Vibe, what about that swipe effect from left to right (or right to left), you said february when i first checked..
    “For swipe functionality left to right I am working on a new responsive slider whicg’ll be the freebie for the month of Feb, so wait till then.”

    Is that available now? If so, how can I apply the effect to my vslider please?

    1. Mr.Vibe says:

      Checkout [email protected]
      ( V )

      1. Dan says:

        Thanks that is great! Also, is thre an option to allow image links to open in a thickbox rather than a new page. Or some kind of pop up whereby you can see a larger version of the image ontop of the site background.

  319. AUDIOMIND says:

    Congrats for the slider plugin. Installed WP Minify and noticed that when javascript minification is turned on it causes vSlider to stop cycling through the images. Any chance