Theme frameworks rule in the world of WordPress themes. WordPress protagonists have always recommended using WordPress Theme frameworks for making new child themes, this has been considered as the fastest way to build elegant WordPress themes. So, which theme-framework will you choose for creating your themes?
Which is “The Best Theme framework” ?
from ease of usage, fastest loading, design and SEO perspective. This requires an in depth knowledge of every framework.
We at VibeThemes are going to take up this challenge and come out with a series of “New Free Themes” based on the below theme framework and rate them according to the parameters mentioned above. Luckily we found the list of all popular theme-frameworks at one place on the WordPress news magazine WPCandy which has compiled a list of 23 WordPress Theme-Frameworks. However, many of these frameworks are not “Free” which is one of our primary criteria in shortlisting these frameworks.
Following are the Theme frameworks which we are considering for our research:
Buffet Theme Framework
WP Starter Theme
Vanilla Theme
UpThemes Framework
This is not an exhaustive list and we would love to include more Free Theme-frameworks which you feel are worth mentioning. We would come up with a free theme based on the above mentioned theme-frameworks and would give our report and scores based on the selected parameters, to help you decide which themeframework to choose when you go out to develop you next WordPress theme.
Exciting! I am looking forward to this series!