WordPress Web Apps
Themes and Plugins
<h3>Trusted by over 50,000 clients </h3>
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WordPress Learning Management system
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Web & Mobile Apps
React powered web apps for
web and mobiles using WordPress
Innovative Concepts
We provide functional and innovative <br>concepts for businesses & Startups
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UX & Work flow
Work flows that improve efficiency and are cost effective in solving real world problems.
Real problems require real solutions
Real problems require real solutions
WPLMS The Learning management system for WordPress
Technologies/Services in action : Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, BrainJS, ReactJS, Progressive web app, HeadLess CMS, Rest API, FireBase, Twilio, FullCalendar v 5, Tus offline uploads, DraftJS Editor, Amazon AWS Amplify, Google Big Data, PHP, SASS, GULP, BULMA and Bootstrap 4/5.